Why Koolshield™
We are passionate about factory and warehouse thermal insulation and have designed our Koolshield curtains to be second to none. We know that in most cold storage areas maintaining an even temperature and keeping the cold inside without it mixing with the warmer air outside is a crucial concern. We know our customers’ needs, we know how expensive it is to refrigerate large storage areas and how important it is to maintain that thermal barrier while still allowing staff and vehicles to pass through. We also know the importance of preventing the formation of ice on warehouse or factory floors.
Our patented Koolshield insulating curtains represent the state of the art in thermal barrier technology, and are a far better alternative than PVC strip curtains, which are still in use in many companies. PVC strip curtains have been the traditional approach and they have served the industry well, especially used in pairs to attempt to trap a layer of air between them, thus helping with their poor thermal efficiency. PVC strip curtains are relatively easy to install albeit somewhat heavy and the transparent systems allowed a good degree of visibility. Unfortunately they are somewhat prone to condensation, which dripped down forming dangerous pools of water that would often freeze in the chilled area and present a hazard for workers.